Dashboard™ user interface, Dashboard™ user interface -4, Control and display descriptions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9985 3G_HD_SD Loudness Processor User Manual

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Control and Display Descriptions



9985-OM (V1.18)

DashBoard™ User Interface

(See Figure 3-3.) The 9985 function submenus are organized in DashBoard™
using tabs (for example, “Video Proc” in Figure 3-3). When a tab is selected,
each parametric control or selection list item associated with the function is
displayed. Scalar (numeric) parametric values can then be adjusted as desired
using the GUI slider controls. Items in a list can then be selected using GUI
drop-down lists.

Figure 3-3 DashBoard™ Setup of Example Video Proc Function

Select top-level menu item
Video Proc

Set Video Proc
enable to On

Set Luma Gain to 120 using direct
numeric entry or slider control

Set Color Gain to 90


Main Tab

Sub Tabs

Some 9985 tabs have sub-tabs at the
bottom of the pane which allow access to
additional functions without the clutter of all
controls appearing in a single pane.

In this example, Color Correction controls in
addition to the Video Proc controls shown
here can be accessed by clicking the Color