Snap-On Motorized Loader User Manual
Page 89

2000-800-02 Motorized Loader
If the Loader is not in the Home Position, the Display reads:
Make sure there is no wrench in Loader.
Press RUN key to start Homing.
Then LCD display reads:
The Motor starts applying force to the handle of Torque Wrench.
The MCB controls the Motor to increase the applied torque
until the Tester captures the target torque value. An audio alert
is sounded when the target torque is reached.
The Operator can now use the hand crank to adjust the Dial
wrench up to the required torque value and compare the
adjustment to the Tester's output. Any gross discrepancy
necessitates corrective action(s).
*** DIAL MODE ***
Make sure there is
no wrench in Loader
Then hit Run
*** DIAL MODE ***
Moving to home Position
001 Sec
*** DIAL MODE ***
Put wrench in Loader
Then Hit Run.
*** DIAL MODE ***
Target: 050.00 ft-lb
100% (Motor)
*** DIAL MODE ***
050.00 ft-lb
Any key to back up!