TROY Group MICR_IRD 3015 Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide User Manual
Page 29

Section 2
Understanding TROY’s Features
Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide -- 50-
70540-001 Rev. A
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To discourage fraudulent alteration of the check, TROY MICR / IRD Secure EX printers (available as an option
for TROY MICR Secure printers and TROY MICR Secure Memory Card Kits) can produce a background
watermark (printed as a diagonally repeating pattern across the face of the check) using user-defined information
taken directly from the check data (i.e., convenience amount, payee name, etc.). For example, by capturing the
convenience amount or payee name fields of the check, the anti-tampering watermark will be specific to each
check, adding to the security of the printed document (see the example on the next page).
The special TROY fonts, used to generate the check information in the background image, must be defined for
each available check field in order to capture the desired check data for use in TROYmark
(refer to Section 4 –
Using the TROY Printer Utility
). Once the TROYmark
feature is enabled in the TROY Port Monitor (refer to
Section 5 –
Using the TROY Port Monitor
), TROYmark
will remain active for the duration of the print job.
can be selected to print at one of three pre-set density levels: light (approximately a 7% gray),
medium (approximately an 11% gray), and dark (approximately a 15% gray). The administrator can also define
three custom gray levels using the TROY Printer Utility. The background density is selected based upon the
initial check design to ensure readability of the printed information on the check.
Once the desired check fields are selected for use in the background image, the inclusion and exclusion rectangles
must then be defined (
see page 5-8 for details
). The inclusion rectangle (one area only) will contain the user-
defined TROYmark
image and the exclusion rectangle (up to ten selected exclusion areas) will remain void of
any TROYmark
image to ensure compliance with the ANSI X/9B check specifications. At a minimum, the
exclusion rectangle must include an area surrounding the convenience amount. The TROY Messaging font can
also be used to define data that can be included in the TROYmark
image that will not actually appear elsewhere
on the check (refer to the Section 7 –
Using TROY Fonts