Measure and adjust carrier assembly – Spicer Tandem Drive Axles Pro-40 Single Reduction and Single Reduction with Differential Lock User Manual

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Forward Assembly

Measure and Adjust Carrier Assembly

Adjust Backlash and Preload

1. Turn the flange half bearing adjuster in until the ring

gear contacts the pinion (zero backlash) than back
the adjuster out two notches of the adjuster lugs.

2. Tighten the plain half adjuster until the bearing cup

just starts to turn, this is a zero bearing preload.

3. Tighten the plain half adjuster two lug notches. Start

with the notch at the top, count two notches coun-
terclockwise on the adjuster, turn the adjuster so that
the notch is facing straight up. You now have a two
notch preload.

4. Use a rubber mallet to make certain that both bear-

ing adjusters are fully seated.

5. Measure backlash. Make sure it is within specifica-

tion of 0.006"– 0.018".

TIP: To give yourself room to adjust contact pattern,
set it between 0.010"–0.012".

1—Flange half
2—Plain half



1—Flange half
2—Plain half