Logger with associated keyword grids – EVS Xedio Dispatcher Version 4.02 - April 2012 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 4.2.B

Xedio Dispatcher – Version 4.2 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – April 2012


Logger with Associated Keyword Grids

The following table provides a short description on the various areas highlighted

in the Logger tab. You will find more detailed information in the section 5.6

‘Adding Logs to a Clip’, on page 99.

User Interface Element


1. Keyword Grid Selection


This field is only present if keyword grids are

stored as .xml files in

C : \ P r o g r a m F i l e s \ E V S

B r o a d c a s t

E q u i p m e n t \ X e d i o D i s p a t c h e r \ K e y w o r d G r i d s


This field provides the list of keyword grids from

which you can select the one you want to use.

2. Keyword Grid

Once a keyword grid has been selected, it opens

in the Keyword Grid area. If the keywords cannot

be displayed in one page, the pages are displayed

as tabs.