Restrictions, By mobile hardware platform, By network (cellular) – AASTRA AMC+ User guide for Android EN User Manual
Page 9: By mobile os version, 4 restrictions

AMC+ 2.0 User Guide
4 Restrictions
4 Restrictions
Please note that there are certain restrictions for third-party applications on practically all mobile plat-
forms. There are some restrictions on the Android devices which the AMC+ is subject to. New smart
phone types/models are released every week. To avoid solution complexity and to ease management,
it is recommended to implement a mobile phone policy in the company to standardize on a limited
amount of phone models. A smart phone is like a computer. You have to reboot them now and then to
ensure consistent behavior (the recommendation is once a day on average).
The AMC+ is a powerful application, and if you have all features turned on, the AMC+ as well as the
data connections, battery life can in worst cases be 50% shorter (dependent on phone type, OS version,
network and user scenarios).
There are a handful of destination numbers which are Emergency numbers (000, 110, 112, 118, 119,
911 and 999) which together with your mobile operator’s service numbers will result in pure cellular
calls ("Direct calls") where the AMC+ should be inactive. Please make sure these are not part of your
number plan.
4.1 By Mobile HardWare Platform
Samsung phones could need adaption of speech volume on the AMCC for Wi-Fi calls.
4.2 By Network (Cellular)
The functionality and features of the AMC+ are also subject to the used network . If no data connection
is available, features requiring feedback (for example:checking the status for Call Forwarding) are not
available! If Dual-mode usage is part of the solution, you must make sure the WiFi network is "Voice
Most network operators deactivate the usage of data channels for cellular calls. This can be avoided
by limiting data usage in cellular networks to WCDMA only. Please note that this setting limits data
coverage, e.g. 2G networks, will not be used. No in-call menu will be displayed in 2G-networks.
Some mobile network operators do not send out their Identity in the signaling available for the AMC+
to present in a Network status bar. If this is the case only "Cellular Network" will be presented.
4.3 By Mobile OS Version
Please note that updates to lower battery consumption has been implemented on Android OS from
version 2.2. To reduce power consumption as much as possible, the AMC+ has got a configurable
inactivation of the GPRS connection (refer to
) and it is also capable of lowering the processor
performance to improve battery life (refer to
. The AMC+ will then not continue sending
registration requests when the phone enters power saving mode - unless desired.