Garmin GPS 400 User Manual
Page 52

GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-60 Rev. H
4) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Above
Wpt’ (AGL) or ‘MSL’, (Figure 2-52) and press
the ENT Key. ‘Above Wpt’ uses the altitude
of a destination airport as stored in the
Jeppesen NavData Card. ‘MSL’ lets the pilot
set a specific target altitude for any waypoint
category: airport, VOR, NDB, intersection, or
user waypoint.
Figure 2-52 Reference Window
5) Turn the small and large right knobs to select
a distance from the target reference waypoint
(Figure 2-53) and press the ENT Key. If the
target altitude should occur at the target
reference waypoint, enter a distance of zero.
Figure 2-53 Reference Distance Selected
6) Turn the small right knob to select ‘Before’
or ‘After’, and press the ENT Key. This setting
designates whether the offset distance defines
a point before the aircraft reaches the target
reference waypoint or after the aircraft reaches
the waypoint.
7) When using a flight plan, the target refer-
ence waypoint itself can be specified from the
waypoints contained in the flight plan. By
default, the last waypoint in the flight plan is
selected. To select a different waypoint, turn
the small right knob to select the desired
waypoint and press the ENT Key.
8) The default profile utilizes a 400 fpm descent
rate. To change the rate, turn the large right
knob to highlight the ‘VS Profile’ field (Figure
2-54) and use the small and large right knobs
to enter a new rate. Press the ENT Key when
Figure 2-54 VS Profile Field Selected