Garmin GPS 400 User Manual

Page 35

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GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference

190-00140-60 Rev. H




Airspace Information on the Map

When a special-use or controlled airspace boundary

appears on the Map Display, the pilot can quickly retrieve
information (such as floor/ceiling limits and controlling
agency) directly from the map.

Viewing airspace information for an on-
screen special-use or controlled airspace:

1) Use the panning function (‘Map Panning’ in this

section) to place the target pointer on an open
area within the boundaries of an airspace. If
the area is congested and it is difficult to select
an open area, the pilot may need to zoom in or
press the CLR Key to make the selection easier
(Figure 2-14).

Figure 2-14 Select Airspace with Target Pointer

2) Press the ENT Key to display an options menu

(Figure 2-15).

Figure 2-15 Map Panning Options Window

3) ‘Review Airspace?’ should already be

highlighted. If not, select it with the small
right knob. Press the ENT Key to display the
Airspace Information Page for the selected

4) To display the COM frequency(ies) for the

controlling agency, turn the large right knob to
highlight ‘Frequencies?’ and press the ENT Key.
Press the CLR Key to return to the Airspace
Information Page.

5) Press the CLR Key to exit the Airspace

Information Page.