En + drawings, Lowering a climber in a toprope situation, Abseil descent – Petzl VERSO User Manual

Page 3: Adjusting the braking

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D19 VERSO D195000B (100908)


Lowering a

climber in a

toprope situation


Belaying the second

with the rope redirected

through a top anchor

See chapte 5:


The second’s rope must

be redirected through

the belay.

Grip the braking side of the

rope below the VERSO with

both hands. The belayer

moves one hand over the

other down the braking side

of the rope. Always keep a

fi rm grip on the braking side

of the rope.


Abseil descent

Install the two strands of rope in the VERSO

as shown in chapter 5. To brake, tighten your

grip on the braking side of the ropes.

Use a rappel backup system (SHUNT or self-

locking knot) below the VERSO.


Adjusting the braking



In most cases, choose

the position: braking

side of the rope

running in the

braking grooves (see

chapter 5).

In other cases,

adjust the braking

position as needed for

different user weights,

rope diameters,

applications and

weather conditions.

For less friction,

reverse the rope path

through the device.

The braking side of

the rope runs over

the side of the device

opposite the braking
