ZyXEL Communications GS-3012F/3012 User Manual
Page 77

Chapter 7 Basic Setting
GS-3012/GS-3012F User’s Guide
IP Address
Enter the IP address of your Switch in dotted decimal notation for example
IP Subnet Mask
Enter the IP subnet mask of your Switch in dotted decimal notation for example
Default Gateway
Enter the IP address of the default outgoing gateway in dotted decimal notation,
for example
Enter the VLAN identification number associated with the Switch IP address.
This is the VLAN ID of the CPU and is used for management only. The default is
"1". All ports, by default, are fixed members of this "management VLAN" in order
to manage the device from any port. If a port is not a member of this VLAN, then
users on that port cannot access the device. To access the Switch make sure
the port that you are connected to is a member of Management VLAN.
Out-of-band Management IP Address
IP Address
Enter the IP address of your Switch in dotted decimal notation for example
If you change this IP address, make sure the computer connected to this
management port is in the same subnet before accessing the Switch.
Subnet Mask
Enter the IP subnet mask of your Switch in dotted decimal notation for example
Default Gateway
Enter the IP address of the default outgoing gateway in dotted decimal notation,
for example
Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch
loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the
top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you
are done configuring.
Click Cancel to begin configuring the fields again.
In-band IP Addresses
You can create up to 64 IP addresses, which are used to access and manage the Switch from the ports
belonging to the pre-defined VLAN(s). You must configure a VLAN first.
IP Address
Enter the IP address for managing the Switch by the members of the VLAN
specified in the VID field below.
IP Subnet Mask
Enter the IP subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
Type the VLAN group identification number.
Default Gateway
Enter the IP address of the default outgoing gateway in dotted decimal notation.
Click Add to insert the entry to the summary table below and save your changes
to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses these changes if it is turned
off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top navigation panel to save your
changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Click Cancel to reset the fields to your previous configuration.
This field displays the index number of the rule. Click an index number to edit
the rule.
IP Address
This field displays the IP address.
IP Subnet Mask
This field displays the subnet mask.
This field displays the ID number of the VLAN group.
Default Gateway
This field displays the IP address of the default gateway.
Table 11 Basic Setting > IP Setup (continued)