Zoom G2.1NU User Manual
Page 20

Creating and Changing Patches (Edit Mode)
ZOOM G2Nu/G2.1Nu
6. Adjust the volume of the patch (patch level)
7. Change the patch name
Turn the module selector to "TOTAL" and use the effect type [▼]/[▲]
keys to select "PatchLvl." Turn Parameter knob 1.
Turn the module selector to "TOTAL" and use the effect type [▼]/[▲]
keys to select "PatchName."
Use parameter knobs 1–3 to change the name.
• Patch level can also be adjusted in play mode.
• Adjust the master level to change the volume of all patches (→P30).
! # $ % & ' () +, -. ; = @ [] ^ _ ` { } ~
A–Z, a–z, 0–9, (space)
The following characters and symbols can be used.
Move the cursor
Change the character/symbol
at the cursor position one
character at a time.
Change the type of character/
symbol at the cursor position
(uppercase letters, lowercase letters,
numbers and symbols).
Patch level