2 bridge static route setup, Figure 93 menu 12.3.1 edit bridge static route, Table 48 menu 12.3.1 edit bridge static route – ZyXEL Communications ADSL2+ Ethernet/USB Gateway 660RU-Tx Series User Manual
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Prestige 660RU-Tx Series User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Bridging Setup
20.2.2 Bridge Static Route Setup
Similar to network layer static routes, a bridging static route tells the Prestige the route to a
node before a connection is established. You configure bridge static routes in menu 12.3.1 (go
to menu 12, choose option 3, then choose a static route to edit) as shown next.
Figure 93 Menu 12.3.1 Edit Bridge Static Route
The following table describes the Edit Bridge Static Route menu.
Edit IP/Bridge (menu 11.1) Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and press [ENTER] to display menu
Ethernet Addr Timeout
(min.) (menu 11.3)
Type the time (in minutes) for the Prestige to retain the Ethernet Address
information in its internal tables while the line is down. If this information is
retained, your Prestige will not have to recompile the tables when the line
comes back up.
Table 47 Remote Node Network Layer Options: Bridge Fields (continued)
Menu 12.3.1 - Edit Bridge Static Route
Route #: 1
Route Name=
Active= No
Ether Address= ?
IP Address=
Gateway Node= 1
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Table 48 Menu 12.3.1 Edit Bridge Static Route
Route #
This is the route index number you typed in Menu 12.3 – Bridge Static Route Setup.
Route Name
Type a name for the bridge static route for identification purposes.
Indicates whether the static route is active (Yes) or not (No).
Ether Address
Type the MAC address of the destination computer that you want to bridge the
packets to.
IP Address
If available, type the IP address of the destination computer that you want to bridge
the packets to.
Gateway Node
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the number of the remote node (one
to eight) that is the gateway of this static route.
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “
Press ENTER to Confirm
or ESC to Cancel:
” to save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.