Term definition – Wegener Communications 6420 User Manual
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iPump 6420 User’s Manual
800070-01 Rev B
Chapter 1, Page 21
Language Descriptor
or LD
Identifier for a single component compressed audio stream under an
MPEG Program within a Transport stream.
A modern, open-source (free) operating system (OS). The OS provides
these standardized services to the i6420 application software: 1) access to
the hardware, 2) rations access to the microprocess for the application’s
multiple processes, 3) interrupts the application with events and messages,
4) ration computer resources, and 4) allows standard communication
methods to external hosts.
Local area network. An IP/Ethernet network to which either the i6420
LAN or WAN ports may be connected.
Liquid Crystal Display. Text display technology for i6420 front-panel.
Light emitting diode. Display lamps for i6420 front-panel.
Low-noise block downconverter - equipment (generally at the antenna)
that converts the incoming satellite signal to the appropriate frequency for
reception by the
iPump 6420
Moving Pictures Experts Group. Often used to describe a set of
specifications based on ISO 13818-x.
Program Allocation Table. A single metadata structure provided in all
MPEG Transport streams that show what Programs are available.
Permanent Setting
A non-volatile setting of the i6420, which has no time limit.
Packet ID. Identifies a specific single data stream within an aggregate
MPEG Transport stream.
Program Map Table. A single metadata structure that is provided in
MPEG Transport streams, one such “table” per Program. Gives
information about the media components (video, audios, data, etc.) within
the Program.
In an i6420, an ordered set of playable media files. When used, the entire
set is played or executed in its entirety.
Under MPEG, these are the basic channels under which media is conveyed
in MPEG Transports. Typically, all media services within a Program
share a single time-base.
Program Number
An identifier unique to each Program within a Transport.
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a protocol for communication between two
computers using a serial interface, typically a personal computer connected
by phone line to a server.
Quadrature-phase-shift-keying. Term usually used to imply the specific
carrier protocol (modulation and FEC) described in DVB specifications
and used world-wide to convey MPEG Transports over satellites.
Radio Frequency. Often used as a noun to mean any RF signal, such as the
satellite downlink signal, or the IF signal emitted from the antenna LNB.
A computing program that constantly runs, while waiting to deliver, and
then performing the delivery of services to other programs running on the
same or other computers. Also used to describe the computer upon which
a server program is running.
Server message block - a protocol for requesting services from and reading
and writing to a file server. An SMB server can present its files for easy
viewing by Windows Explorer.
Industry-standard method for communicating between host computers
over IP networks.