Vent and air piping and boiler connections, Gv90, Boiler manual – Weil-McLain GV90+ User Manual

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Part number 550-142-054/0411







— Boiler Manual


Vent and air piping and boiler connections


Follow termination instructions

1. Read and follow all instructions for the termination

type used before proceeding with this page.

Installing vent and air piping

1. Work from the boiler to vent or air termination. Do

not exceed the lengths given in the previous pages

for either the air or vent piping.
a. Provide stainless pipe to PVC adapters obtained

from the stainless pipe manufacturer for con-

nections at the boiler and at terminations, when


2. See Figure 59 for attaching vent (and air) pipes at

the boiler.

3. Cut pipe to required lengths.
4. Deburr inside and outside of pipe ends.
5. Chamfer outside of each pipe end to ensure even

cement distribution when joining.

6. Clean all pipe ends and fittings. Dry thoroughly.
7. Dry assemble entire vent or air piping to ensure

proper fit before assembling any joint.

8. For each joint:

a. Handle fittings and pipes carefully to prevent

contamination of surfaces.

b. Apply primer liberally to both joint surfaces —

pipe end and fitting socket.

c. While primer is still damp, lightly apply ap-

proved cement to both surfaces in a uniform


d. Apply a second coat to both surfaces. Avoid

using too much cement on sockets to prevent

cement buildup inside.

e. With cement still wet, insert pipe into fit-

ting, twisting ¼ turn. Make sure pipe is fully


f. Wipe excess cement from joint. Check joint to

be sure a smooth bead of cement shows around

the entire joint.

9. Maintain minimum clearance of C\zn inch between

vent pipe and any combustible wall or material.

10. Seal wall or floor penetration openings following

local code requirements.


DIRECT EXHAUST installations — air

inlet opening protection

: Obtain a bird

screen (sized for air inlet fitting) from

Weil-McLain. Insert the bird screen into

the air inlet fitting to prevent foreign

objects from entering the opening.

Figure 59

Boiler vent and air connections

AL294C vent pipe — If using AL294C stainless vent pipe,

you must install an AL29-4C stainless vent starter at the

boiler vent connection (and at the termination if using

the Weil-McLain plate or the concentric termination).

Use only the starter made by the vent pipe manufacturer.

See Replacement parts section for available AL29-4C

stainless vent starters.

1. PVC/ABS pipe — Clean and deburr inside and outside of other

both ends of air and vent pipes. Chamfer boiler end of vent pipe

for ease of insertion.

The vent pipe end must be smooth and chamfered to

prevent possible damage to sealing gasket in vent pipe


2. Inspect vent adapter and air inlet fitting (above) — verify no ob-

structions or foreign objects inside.

3. Vent pipe

• Loosen vent adapter clamp screw.
• Measure 3½ inches from boiler end of vent pipe and make a

mark with felt-tip pen.

• Apply small amount of silicon grease to boiler end of vent pipe

to ease insertion.

• Insert vent pipe into adapter to depth of felt tip pen mark.
• Secure vent pipe by tightening the adapter clamp securely. Do

not overtighten. The seal is accomplished with the internal

gasket. The clamp is only to hold the pipe in place.

Do not apply excessive force or bend the vent adapter

or vent pipe when inserting. The adapter or seal could

be damaged.

4. Air pipe

• Clean the outer surface of the boiler end of the air pipe.
• Apply silicon sealant (Dow Corning 732


or equivalent) to

the outside end of the air pipe and to the inside of the air inlet


• Insert the air pipe into the air inlet fitting and give a 1/4 turn

to ensure coverage. Support until the sealant has dried.