Weil-McLain GOLD CGt SERIES User Manual
Cgt series boiler, Suggested specifications

I. General
A. Furnish and install ( ) low pressure packaged cast iron sectional boiler(s) that
operate under induced draft.
B. Install boiler-burner unit(s) in compliance with manufacturers installation instructions.
All work must be done in a neat and workman like manner.
C. Weil-McLain qty.( ) CGt ( ) PIN boiler(s) capable of burning natural gas at 5 to
1. Packaged boiler (standard).
2. Natural or propane gas fired.
3. Water.
4. Minimum 82% efficiency.
5. Induced draft.
6. Built-in Tankless Domestic Water Heater
D. Boiler(s) shall have I=B=R Hydronics Institute gross output(s) at 100% firing rate –
108 MBH per boiler.
E. Boiler(s) shall be manufactured by ISO 9001 registered company to conform to
Section IV of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
1. Individual sections (and section assembly) to be hydrostatically pressure tested
at factory in accordance with ASME requirements.
2. Maximum allowable working pressure 50 PSIG water and cast as part of
section with ASME symbol.
F. Regulatory Requirements
1. Boiler(s) and controls to comply with applicable regulations.
G. Submittals
1. Submit shop drawings and product data.
Submittal packet to include boiler (and burner) manufacturer descriptive
literature, installation instructions, operating instructions, and maintenance
II. Product