Cw t, Peration – Vertex Standard FT-1000MP User Manual
Page 56

Page 54
VOX Operation
(Voice-Actuated T/R Switching Operation)
VOX operation allows you to activate the transmit-
ter in any voice mode merely by speaking into the mi-
crophone, without having to press the PTT switch.
For the VOX circuit to operate properly, three con-
trols in the top access panel must be set to match your
microphone and the acoustic environment of your sta-
tion. Once set, these controls should not require read-
justment unless you change your microphone or sta-
tion location.
r First make sure the receiver is set for normal vol-
ume on a clear channel, and preset the VOX (gain)
control in the top access panel fully counterclock-
wise. Also preset the A-VOX (Anti-VOX) and DLAY
(VOX Delay) controls in the top access panel to their
12 o’clock positions.
r Set the RF PWR control fully CCW (to avoid creat-
ing interference while you set up the VOX controls).
Now press the [VOX] switch near the upper left cor-
ner of the front panel.
r Without pressing the PTT switch, speak continu-
ously into the microphone while slowly adjusting the
VOX control (in the top access panel), looking for
the point where your voice just activates the trans-
mitter. Advancing the VOX Gain control beyond this
point will make the VOX excessively sensitive to
random background noise in your operating room.
r Now speak intermittently into the microphone, and
note the “hang time” between the moment you stop
speaking and when the receiver is reactivated. This
period should be just long enough so that the trans-
mitter remains keyed between words, but drops
back to receive during pauses. Adjust the DLAY
control, if necessary, for a comfortable hang time.
The A-VOX control probably needs no adjustment,
but if you find that, with the microphone in its normal
operating position, receiver audio from the loudspeaker
trips the transmitter, advance the A-VOX control more
clockwise. On the other hand, if transmitter keying with
the VOX keying seems sluggish or unstable when you
speak into the microphone, try a more counter-clock-
wise setting.
There are several types of CW transmission avail-
able with the MARK-V FT-1000MP
Field. All require
that you have a CW key or keyer paddles connected to
either of the KEY jacks on the front or rear panel (with
a 3-contact plug). You simply use the RF PWR control
to set your output power.
Straight-Key Operation
This section describes basic CW operation using a
traditional “straight key;” however, this section also ap-
plies when keying the MARK-V FT-1000MP
Field with
the output from an external keyer, or when sending
CW generated via a computer’s COM or LPT port.
r First preset the RF PWR control to about 12 o’clock.
Select the CW mode, if you haven’t already, and for
now, make sure the [KEYER] and [BK-IN] switches
near the lower right corner of the front panel are
both off.
r Press the [VOX] button to turn on the VOX circuit,
which provides automatic transmitter activation
when you close your key. If you want to practice
CW with the sidetone, you can leave the VOX off.
r To transmit, simply close your key and advance the
RF PWR control for the desired power output level.
r You can adjust the CW sidetone volume, if neces-
sary, for a comfortable level using the trimmer ac-
cessible via the hole on the rear panel (see item #3
on page 34).
r Release the key to return to receive.
You are now using semi break-in CW, in which the
transmitter remains activated except during pauses in
your sending. You can set the delay during which the
transmitter remains on after you stop sending, by ad-
justing the keyer delay setting (menu selection 7-5).
However, if you prefer full break-in (QSK) opera-
tion, in which the receiver is activated between each
dot and dash, simply press the [BK-IN] switch (the
[VOX] switch should not be depressed).