USRobotics U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Manual

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U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide

Proxy Parameters




Proxy port.


Priority of the policy you’re creating. Options range from 0
to 65,535.

User Name

A configured user in the router’s internal database. You
must configure users through the Access Control Menu.

Application Type

HTTP application file type (MIME) to filter or proxy.
Options are… •application (all), •image (all), •video (all),
•audio (all), •application/octet-stream, •audio/x-wav,
•audio/x-mpeg, •image/jpeg, •video/mpeg.

Destination Address Destination IP address of the FTP or HTTP server on the


Source Range

Local IP address range that the rule applies to. “From” is
the first IP address in the range. “To” is the last IP
address in the range.

Domain Name

Address of an Internet site to filter.

Day From/To

Set the effective start (From) day and time for the policy.
Set the effective stop (To) day and time for the policy.

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