Pcl5e specific options, Text wrapping, Left margin – Toshiba 255 User Manual

Page 125: Right margin, Top margin, Text length

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Printing from an Application 123



PCL5e Specific Options

Some of the options only apply to plain text or PCL5e files.


Text Wrapping

The following options control text wrapping when it reaches the right margin.

If this option is not specified, the command will not be sent so the printer’s default value will be used.
Example: The command to specify wrapping is “lp -d -o wrap ”.


Left Margin

The left margin position can be specified with the following option.

If the left margin is set to the right of the right margin, it will be ignored.
If this option is not specified, the command will not be sent so the printer’s default value will be used.
Example: The command to set the left margin to five columns is “lp -d -o lm=5 ”.


Right Margin

The right margin position can be specified with the following option.

If the right margin is set to the left of the left margin or if it is set to a position wider than the logical page, it will be ignored.
The right margin is specified in columns from the left margin. A negative value will be ignored.
If this option is not specified the command will not be sent so the printer’s default value will be used.
Example: The command to set the right margin to fifty columns is “lp -d -o rm=50 ”.


Top Margin

The top margin position can be specified with the following option.

If the top margin is set too high or too low, part of the text may not appear due to the printer’s unprintable region. The top
margin will be ignored if it is set to a value greater than the printer’s logical page length. Setting this value may affect the
number of lines specified using the page length option.
If this option is not specified, the command will not be sent so the printer’s default value will be used.
Example: The command to set the top margin to ten lines is “lp -d -o tm=10 ”.


Text Length

The text length can be specified using the following option.

If the text length is set too high, part of the text may not appear due to the printer’s unprintable area. The text length will be
ignored if it is set to a value greater than the printer’s logical page length minus the top margin. The text length is specified
in rows from the top margin. Setting this value may affect the number of lines specified using the page length option.
If this option is not specified the command will not be sent so the printer’s default value will be used.
Example: The command to set the text length to 40 lines is “lp -d -o tl=40 ”.

Option Value

Alternate Value



Enable automatic text wrapping.


Disable automatic text wrapping.

Option Value

Alternate Value



Set the left margin to value columns.

Option Value

Alternate Value



Set the right margin to value columns.

Option Value

Alternate Value



Set the top margin to value lines.

Option Value

Alternate Value



Set the length to value lines.

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