Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual
Page 92

Acquiring Waveforms
3- 18
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
applied to all channels in parallel. (See Independent vs. Shared Window on
page 3--20.) These parameters are:
H The external trigger signal that you input and set the trigger system to
recognize determines the point relative to the input waveform that triggers
the instrument.
H The horizontal position you set determines the horizontal delay from the
trigger point to the first sample point in the acquisition window.
H The horizontal scale you set, and the requirement that all waveforms fit
within the 10 horizontal-division display, determines the horizontal duration
of the window relative to any waveform, allowing you to scale it to contain a
waveform edge, a cycle, or several cycles.
First sampled and
digitized point
Time of first point
Trigger event on
Ext. trigger signal
Sample interval
Horizontal position
Figure 3- 4: Horizontal acquisition window definition
H The record length (along with the horizontal scale) you set for the 10-divi-
sion window determines the sample interval (horizontal point spacing or
resolution) on the waveform.
NOTE. The horizontal position controls the distance to the Horizontal Reference
to indirectly set the time to the first sampled point. See Horizontal Position and
the Horizontal Reference on page 3--59 for a discussion of this relationship.