Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual
Page 110

Acquiring Waveforms
3- 36
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
FrameScan Acquisition, when coupled with mask testing, provides the tool you
need to capture a defective bit and examine the pattern leading up to it.
To catch a bit error
Control elements and resources
Prerequisites 1.
The instrument should be set up per the previous
Pause the acquisition system (push the Run/Stop
button on the front-panel).
Infinite persistence and color grading display modes
should be off if turned on in the previous procedure.
H See To Acquire in FrameScan Mode
page 3--33.
mask testing
From the application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Mask. (See right.)
Use the Mask Setup dialog box to set up for mask
testing as you would for nonFrameScan acquisitions.
See Using Mask Testing on page 3--141 for information
about using Mask testing. Be sure to enable the mask.
Tip. If you selected a communication standard when you
set the FrameScan bit rate (see step 8 on page 3--34),
the same standard will be preselected in the Mask
Setup dialog box.
To Catch a Bit Error