Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual
Page 106

Acquiring Waveforms
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CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
for the frame, or until acquisition stops due to a specific test condition,
such as the failure of a mask test.
The resulting horizontally skewed FrameScan acquisitions display successive
individual bits acquired in increasing time order. FrameScan acquisitions can
continue through an entire frame of data if needed to help you to uncover faulty
bit sequences leading up to pattern-dependent failures.
Subframe 1
Subframe 2
Subframe 3
Subframe 4
Subframe 5
Subframe 1
Subframe 2
Subframe 3
Subframe 4
Subframe 5
∆h is the horizontal position change = one bit period (=1/bit-rate)
Subframe acquisition duration is 40% greater than the bit period
Figure 3- 10: How FrameScan acquisition works (scanning on a 127-bit PRBS