Tektronix CSA8000B User Manual
Page 130
Displaying Waveforms
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CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
The key points that follow describe operating considerations for setting up the
instrument time base views so that they best support your data-analysis tasks.
Waveform Display. In general, the method of displaying a waveform is to define
the waveform, and then turn it on. Table 3--2 summarizes this process as it
applies to the different waveforms.
Table 3- 2: Defining and displaying waveforms
To define:
To turn on:
C1 -- C8
Install sampling modules in the instrument
Push the Vertical CH button, and then push one of
the numbered buttons 1 -- 8.
R1 -- R8
Define an active reference waveform by:
H saving a channel, reference, or math waveform
to one of locations R1 -- R8.
H recalling a waveform previously saved to a file
into one of locations R1 -- R8.
Both of these operations can be performed from the
File menu.
Defining a reference waveform as is described at left
turns on its display.
After a waveform is defined, use the Vertical REF
button with the waveform number buttons to turn the
waveform on and off.
M1 -- M8
Define a math waveform using existing sources
(channel and reference waveforms, and measure-
ment scalar values).
This operation can be performed by selecting the
Edit menu and then selecting Define Math.
When defining a math waveform, you turn it on in
the Define Math dialog box.
After the waveform is defined, use the Vertical
MATH button with the waveform number buttons to
turn the waveform on and off.
The waveform number buttons affect C1- C8, R1- R8, or M1- M8, depending on the Vertical Source button you push CH,
Operations on Selected Waveforms. In general, the method of adjusting (vertically
scaling, offsetting, position, and so on) is from the front panel: select the
waveform using the Vertical source and waveform selection buttons, and then
adjust it using the Vertical Scale, Offset, and Position knobs.
Table 3--3 on page 3--57 summarizes operations you can perform for the three
waveform types.
Keys to Using