Dual discrete output: outputdiscn, Server item names – Omega Engineering M-4066 User Manual

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44 N OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server Tags


Server Item Names

Server Items are made available when the "Server" Topic is defined. These items

give information about the Server and the current operational status of the Server.

PortType (R) - communication medium: "COM", "LPT", etc.
PortNo (R) - port number.
PollTries (R) - No. of missed polls before a device is considered offline.
NumberDevices (R/W) - number of devices in the system
OfflinePolltime (R/W) - how often to poll for off-line devices Milliseconds
NoDevicesOffline (R) - how many devices currently offline
Online (R) - indicates if communicating with any devices (0 or 1)
Ready (R) - 0 indicates that OMWT-SOFT-OPC is not receiving

(initializing or do a restart function); 1-OMWT-SOFT-OPC is ready to


CntNode – the number of nodes OMWT-SOFT-OPC is maintaining. For

TCP/IP Receiver, this is the number of connections to receivers. Use

this number to access the Noden items. (R) – indicates if the node is online or offline (0 – offline; 1 –

online). n is the node number starting at 1.

Noden.address (R) – address of the nodeFor TCP/IP Receiver, the address

is the IP address. n is the node number starting at 1.

Noden.description (R) – the description string for the node. n is the node

number starting at 1.

NetErrors.Last - the last error that occurred (string); see below.
NetErrors.LastNo - the last error that occurred (enumerated); see below.
NetErrors.LastDevice - the topic name of the device that had the error
NetErrors.Count - number of errors that have occurred since Server started
NetErrors.Com - number of CRC errors
NetErrors.NoHostAdapter - number of errors from not detecting the


DeviceCount.DIGITAL (R) - number of digital devices
DeviceCount.TEMP(R) - number of temperature devices
DeviceCount.HUMIDITY (R) - number of humidity devices
DeviceCount.DIGCOUNTER (R) – number of digital counter devices
DeviceCount.AI (R)- number of Analog Input devices
DeviceCount.CNTTEMP – number of Counter Temperature
DeviceCount.FASTCNTTEMP – number of Fast Counter Temperature
DeviceCount.ALARMTEMP – number of Alarm Temperature
DeviceCount.IDR – number of Access/Control Readers
DeviceCount.DIRECTCNT – number of Directional Counters