Devices, Errors, Quit – Omega Engineering M-4066 User Manual

Page 20: Help, Omwt-recip receiver notes, Or messages, Server

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16 N OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format



[Server]- Section name.

PortType - Communication medium (AUTO, OMWT-232-600, etc.).
PortNo - Port number.
NumberDevices - Number of devices to be polled by the server.
OfflinePollTime - How often to poll for offline devices. Milliseconds
Tries - No. of tries during polling before a device is marked offline.
HostAdapterCheck - Enables/disables the detection of receiver. (0 or 1)
BaudRate –options are: 115,200; 38,400; 19,200; or 1200. The default is

19200. Use this parameter for receivers that use a different baud rate

than the default. Make sure the value in the ini file matches the value

set in the hardware.

DefaultTempUnits - specifies the starting units of Temperature devices
DefaultPressUnits - specifies the starting units of Pressure devices
ConfigureEnable – 0 – disables the Setup Menu option on the main menu.

The user then cannot make any changes to the configuration. 1 –

(default) – enable the Setup Menu option on the main menu.

SmallINI – suppresses the listing of minor variables in order to make the ini

file smaller (useful for large networks since under Windows, an ini file

may be a maximum of 64K).

DefaultThermistorCorrID – overrides the default thermistor Correction ID

(normally 128). All thermistors will be assigned this Correction ID

unless the ID is overriOPCn in the individual device section.

ForwardAll – species if all packets are forwarded or only packets

associated with OMWT-SOFT-OPC’s device list get forwarded across

a TCP/IP connection. A TCP/IP client must initiate the connection to

the port specified with the ForwardPort in the [IP Addresses] section.

Each packet has the following format: sensor packet,node number,

node description, sensor label.