Ricoh Type 480 User Manual

Page 31

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Sending Scan Files by E-mail



❒ When the search condition


is used for searching,

whether the first name or sir-
name is searched for de-
pends on the setting made by
the administrator. For exam-
ple, if you want to search for
"John Doe", enter "John" or
"Doe" according to the setting
made by the administrator.
Consult your administrator
for which name to use.

H Press [Search Criteria] correspond-

ing to each item, and then se-
l e c t c r i t e r i a f r o m t h e l i s t


❒ You can select criteria from

the following list:
[Search Beginning Word]: The

names which start with
the entered character or
characters are targeted.
For example, to search for
“ABC”, enter “A”.

[Search End Word]: The names

which end with the en-
tered character or charac-
ters are targeted.
For example, to search for
“ABC”, enter “C”.

[Exact Match]: The names

which correspond to an
entered character or char-
acters are targeted.
For example, to search for
“ABC”, enter “ABC”.

[Include One of Words]: The

names which contain an
entered character or char-
acters are targeted.
For example, to search for
“ABC”, enter “A”, “B”, or

[Exclude Words]: The names

which do not contain an
entered character or char-
acters are targeted.
For example, to search for
“ABC”, enter “D”.

[Fuzzy Search]: a vague search

( T h e f u n c t i o n o f t h i s
vague search depends on
the system supported by
the LDAP server.)

I Press [OK].


❒ The e-mail address searched

for in the LDAP server can-
not be specified correctly if it
contains too many charac-
ters. For details about the
maximum number of charac-
ters that can be entered, see
p.112 “E-mail”.

❒ If a user name and password

for the LDAP server authen-
tication are not set, a log-on
screen appears. Enter a user
name and password.

❒ Multiple e-mail addresses can

be registered for one person,
but a search will only find
one e-mail address per per-
son. Depending on the LDAP
server, the address which
was registered first is gener-
ally found.

❒ To display details about the

destination, press [Details].

J Select a destination.
K Press [Exit].