Ricoh Type 480 User Manual

Page 101

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When a Message Is Displayed



[Exceeded the maximum allowable characters for a scan

[Enter within 40 characters.]

A maximum of 40 characters can be en-
tered as the name of a scanning mode. Re-
enter the name within this limit.

[Exceeded the maximum number of scan modes to save.]

[Reenter after deleting.]

A maximum of 48 scanning modes can be
registered. Delete unnecessary scanning
modes, and try registering again.

[Insufficient memory. Reduce resolution, original size, or
scanning area.]

The computer does not have enough
memory. Reduce the resolution or size of
scanning. Alternately, try scanning again
after closing any other applications in

[No User Code is registered. Consult your system admin-

Access is restricted with user codes. Con-
sult the system administrator of the ma-

[Paper misfeed has occurred.]

An original has been misfed. Remove the

[Please call your service representative.]

An unrecoverable error has occurred in
the machine. Call your service represent-

[Scanner function is not available. Check the device.]

Call your service representative.

[Scanner is in use by another function.]

The machine is being used for functions
other than the scanner function, such as
the copier function. Try accessing the ma-
chine a little later.

[Scanner is not ready yet.]

Check the cover is not open.

[Scanning has been aborted.]

Scanning has been stopped. Try scanning

[Standby time reached.]

Load an original within the time limit
specified in [Standby Time:].

[The device's authentication service cannot be per-

The machine is editing the address book.
Wait a while, or contact the machine ad-

[The login user name, login password, or driver encryp-
tion key entered is invalid.]

• Check the login user name, login pass-

word, and driver encryption key.

• Permission to use this function has not

been granted. Contact the machine

[The scanning area does not match the original.]

Check the location of the original.

[The start position of the scanning area does not match
the original.]

Check the location of the original.

[This mode cannot be changed/deleted.]

The standard scanning modes, [Standard],
and [Diazo type], cannot be registered or


Causes and solutions