T -----u -----v – Netopia 2200 User Manual
Page 325

telnet. IP protocol that lets a user on one host establish and use a virtual
terminal connection to a remote host.
TR-064. TR-064 is a LAN-side DSL Gateway configuration specification; an
extension of UPnP. It defines more ser vices to locally manage a Gateway.
TR-069. TR-069 is a WAN-side DSL Gateway Management specification; pro-
vides ser vices similar to UPnP and TR-064. The communication between a
Gateway and management agent in UPnP and TR-064 is strictly over the
LAN, whereas the communication in TR-069 is over the WAN link for some
features and over the LAN for others. TR-069 allows a remote Auto-Config
Ser ver to provision and manage a Gateway.
twisted pair. Cable consisting of two copper strands twisted around each
other. The twisting provides protection against electromagnetic inter ference.
UTP. Unshielded twisted pair cable.
VDSL. Very high rate Digital Subscriber Line. VDSL transmits high speed
data over shor t reaches of twisted-pair copper telephone lines, with a range
of speeds depending upon actual line length. Both data channels will be
separated in frequency from bands used for POTS and ISDN, enabling ser-
vice providers to overlay VDSL on existing ser vices. At present the two high
speed channels will also be separated in frequency.
VJ. Van Jacobson. Abbreviation for a compression standard documented in
RFC 1144.
VLAN. Virtual Local Area Network. A network of computers that behave as if
they are connected to the same wire even though they may be physically
located on different segments of a LAN. VLANs are configured in software
rather than hardware.