Netopia 2200 User Manual
Page 292

set wireless multi-ssid second-ssid-privacy { off | WEP | WPA-PSK |
WPA-802.1x }
set wireless multi-ssid third-ssid-privacy { off | WEP | WPA-PSK |
WPA-802.1x }
set wireless multi-ssid fourth-ssid-privacy { off | WEP | WPA-PSK |
WPA-802.1x }
Specifies the type of privacy enabled on multiple SSIDs when
multi-ssid option is set to
on. off = no privacy; WEP = WEP encryption; WPA-PSK = Wireless Protected Access/Pre-
Shared Key; WPA-802.1x = Wireless Protected Access/802.1x authentication. See
less Privacy Settings” on page 293
for more information.
WEP is suppor ted on only one SSID at a time, and should not be available if
another SSID already has it configured.
set wireless multi-ssid second-ssid-wpa-ver { all | WPA1-only |
WPA2-only }
set wireless multi-ssid third-ssid-wpa-ver { all | WPA1-only |
WPA2-only }
set wireless multi-ssid fourth-ssid-wpa-ver { all | WPA1-only |
WPA2-only }
Specifies the type of WPA version enabled on multiple SSIDs when
multi-ssid option is
set to
on and privacy is set tp WPA-PSK. See
“Wireless Privacy Settings” on page 293
more information.
set wireless multi-ssid second-ssid-weplen [ 40/64bit | 128bit | 256bit ]
set wireless multi-ssid third-ssid-weplen [ 40/64bit | 128bit | 256bit ]
set wireless multi-ssid fourth-ssid-weplen [ 40/64bit | 128bit | 256bit ]
Specifies the WEP key length for the multiple SSIDs, when
second-, third-, or fourth-
ssid-privacy is set to WEP. 40bit encryption is equivalent to 64bit encryption. The longer
the key, the stronger the encr yption and the more difficult it is to break the encr yption.