Netopia 2200 User Manual
Page 273

CONFIG Commands
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" IKE-mode PFS-enable
{ off | on }
for details about SafeHarbour IPsec tunnel capability.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" IKE-mode invalid-spi-recovery
{ off | on }
Enables the Gateway to re-establish the tunnel if either the Netopia Gateway or the peer
gateway is rebooted.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" xauth enable {off | on }
Enables or disables Xauth extensions to IPsec, when
IKE-mode neg-method is set to
aggressive. Default is off.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" xauth username
Sets the Xauth username, if Xauth is enabled.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" xauth password
Sets the Xauth password, if Xauth is enabled.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" nat-enable { on | off }
Enables or disables NAT on the specified IPsec tunnel. The default is
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" nat-pat-address
Specifies the NAT por t address translation IP address for the specified IPsec tunnel.
set security ipsec tunnels name "123" local-id-type
{ IP-address | Subnet | Hostname | ASCII }
Specifies the NAT local ID type for the specified IPsec tunnel, when Aggressive Mode is set.