Deleting a frame relay dlci configuration, Deleting a frame relay dlci configuration – Netopia Firmware 4000-Series User Manual

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WAN and System Configuration 2-15

provider agrees to transfer from a given PVC (Permanent Vir tual Circuit) or DLCI (Data Link Connection
Identifier). The setting defaults to 64000, but you may modify the committed burst size by toggling the
selection in the Use Default field to No. You can then enter a different committed burst size in the
Value field.

The Be (Excess Burst Size) represents the maximum amount of data that your Frame Relay ser vice
provider will attempt to deliver to a given PVC (Permanent Vir tual Circuit) or DLCI (Data Link Connection
Identifier). The setting defaults to 0, but you may modify the excess burst size by toggling the selection
in the Use Default field to No. You can then enter a different excess burst size in the Value field.

Note: Some Frame Relay ser vice providers allow for over-subscription of the DLCIs, which occurs when the
total number of CIRs for all PVCs exceeds the line rate setup.


Select ADD DLCI NOW to save the current static Frame Relay DLCI profile that you have just entered, and
press Return to go back to the Frame Relay DLCI Configuration screen. Alternately, you can cancel the
Frame Relay DLCI profile you have just created by selecting CANCEL to exit the Add DLCI screen.

Deleting a Frame Relay DLCI configuration

To delete a Frame Relay DLCI configuration, select Delete DLCI in the Frame Relay DLCI Configuration screen
and press Return to display the Frame Relay DLCI configuration table.


Highlight the Frame Relay DLCI configuration you wish to delete. Press Return.


A Frame Relay DLCI Configuration table appears with a prompt asking you if you want to delete the
connection profile you have just highlighted. Select CONTINUE if you wish to delete this DLCI or CANCEL if
you do not.

You are now finished configuring the Frame Relay DLCI Configuration screen.

Frame Relay DLCI Configuration
+-DLCI Name----------DLCI Number-+
| joe 16 |
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| Are you sure you want to delete this DLCI? |
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