National Instruments NI USB-621x User Manual
Page 161

A characteristic of a DAC in which the analog output always increases as
the values of the digital code input to it increase.
Pertaining to a radio-communication system that operates on more than one
channel at the same time. The individual channels might contain identical
information, or they might contain different signals.
multifunction DAQ
To assign more than one signal to a channel. See also mux.
Multiplexer—A set of semiconductor or electromechanical switches
arranged to select one of many inputs to a single output. The majority of
DAQ cards have a multiplexer on the input, which permits the selection of
one of many channels at a time.
A switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially connects each of
its inputs to its output, typically at high speeds, in order to measure several
signals with a single analog input channel.
National Instruments.
The driver software needed to use National Instruments DAQ devices and
SCXI components. Some devices use Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy); others
use NI-DAQmx.
The latest NI-DAQ driver with new VIs, functions, and development tools
for controlling measurement devices. The advantages of NI-DAQmx over
earlier versions of NI-DAQ include the DAQ Assistant for configuring
channels and measurement tasks for your device for use in LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio; increased performance such
as faster single-point analog I/O; and a simpler API for creating DAQ
applications using fewer functions and VIs than earlier versions of
non-referenced signal
Signal sources with voltage signals that are not connected to an absolute
reference or system ground. Also called floating signal sources. Some
common example of non-referenced signal sources are batteries,
transformers, or thermocouples.