Polycom 1 User Manual
Page 187

jitter (call statistics) 11-4
Keypad Audio Confirmation (setting) 10-1
kiosk mode 7-3, 8-5
LAN 2-2
configuring 2-2
connector A-2
status lights 2-2
LAN Properties (screen) 2-2, 2-3
LAN Speed (setting) 2-3
Language (setting) 7-1
Last Number Dialed (setting) 7-5
Level (setting) 4-7
lighting and backlight compensation 3-17
BRI network interface 2-16, 2-17
LAN status 2-2
microphone 4-3
power 1-3
Line Build Out (setting) 2-18
Line In Level (dB meter) 4-8
Line Out (dB meter) 4-7
Line Out 2 Phono (setting) 4-7
Line Out Level (dB meter) 4-8
Line Signaling (setting) 2-18
line status icons 12-7
Line Termination (read-only setting) 2-19
Local Date and Time (setting) 7-4
Localized Name (setting) 6-7
Localized System Name (setting) 6-5
Location (screen) 7-1
Location Name (setting) 9-6
location settings 7-1, 7-2
logging 11-11
logo, screen saver 7-8
low battery icon 12-19
marquee text 7-6
Master Audio Volume (setting) 4-8
maximum call duration 6-1
Maximum Receive Bandwidth (setting) 2-12
Maximum Speed for Receiving Calls (setting)
maximum speeds for receiving calls 2-26
Maximum Time in Call (setting) 6-1
Maximum Transmission Unit Size (setting) 2-11
Maximum Transmit Bandwidth (setting) 2-12
meeting password 8-2
menu map 8-1
network congestion 12-7, 12-19
sending to call participants 9-4
meters, audio 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-10
MIBs, downloading 9-5
Mic Placement (screen) 4-9
autorotation 4-9
configuring for stereo 4-9
connecting 4-3
enabling 4-6
lights 4-3
monaural operation 4-1
orientation for stereo 4-2
placement for stereo 4-3
positioning for stereo 4-3, 4-4
stereo operation 4-1
supported cable configurations 4-2
swapping right and left 4-9
troubleshooting 12-15
Microsoft LCS
adding contacts 2-9
contact display options 2-10
displaying contacts on home screen 7-4
displaying contacts on the home screen 7-5
integration with Polycom HDX systems 2-9
registration status 2-9
removing contacts 2-9
TCP transport protocol 2-8
mixed calls, allowing 6-2
mixer, See Vortex mixer
configuring for closed captions 10-4
Monitor 1 (setting) 3-2, 3-6
Monitor 2 (setting) 3-3, 3-5, 3-6
Monitor 3 (VCR/DVD) (setting) 3-5