Index – Polycom 1 User Manual
Page 181

Index – 1
6 Mbps MP option key 6-3
limiting 1-4, 6-5, 7-3, 7-4, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5
adapter, null modem 5-8
Address Displayed in Global Directory (setting)
directory, displaying 2-13
displaying 7-4
gatekeeper 2-5
Global Directory Server 6-8
IP 2-2
NAT public (WAN) 2-13
SIP proxy server 2-8
SIP registrar server 2-8
AES encryption
enabling 8-7
See also encryption
AES Encryption (setting) 8-3, 8-7
alert tones 4-6, 7-7
alerts 11-2
Allow Access to User Settings (setting) 8-3, 8-5
Allow Directory Changes (setting) 6-5
Allow Mixed IP and ISDN Calls (setting) 6-2
Allow Video Display on Web (setting) 8-3, 9-2
Alternate Gatekeepers (setting) 2-5
Always Dial Area Code (setting) 7-1
analog phone
configuring 2-23
number 2-23
Analog Phone (setting) 2-24
analog phone, connecting 2-22
Answer on DSR (setting) 2-21
answering calls automatically 6-2
Area Code (setting) 2-6, 2-17, 2-20, 7-1
aspect ratio
monitor 1 3-2
balanced, configuring 4-7
configuring equipment type 4-7
data rate (call statistics) 11-4
guidelines for using Polycom microphones 4-1
meter test 11-6
mixer, See Vortex mixer
output mix 4-4
protocol (call statistics) 11-4
sound effects volume 4-6
StereoSurround 4-6
tones 7-7
troubleshooting 12-15
VCR/DVD settings 5-2
Audio Input (screen) 4-7
audio input formats 4-1
audio inputs A-2
Audio Levels (screen) 4-8
audio mixer
connecting 4-3
Audio Output (screen) 4-7
audio output formats 4-4
audio outputs A-2
Audio Protocol (setting), for broadcasting 2-22
Audio Settings (screen) 4-6
Auto Adjust for Daylight Saving Time (setting)
Auto Answer Multipoint Video (setting) 6-2
Auto Answer Point-to-Point Video (setting) 6-2
Auto Duplex Mode 2-3
Auto LAN Speed 2-3
Auto mode (multipoint display) 3-8
Auto NAT Configuration 2-13
Auto Preferred Dialing Method 2-25
auto-answer, muting 4-6