General, Mportant, Otes – Polycom 1725-31402-001 User Manual

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Release Notes - UC Software


Copyright © 2011 Polycom, Inc.

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1. General

These release notes apply to version 3.3.2 (and earlier) of the Polycom UC Software that
runs on SoundPoint IP, SoundStation IP, and VVX phones. For more information, refer to
the documents listed in Section 0.

1.1 Important Notes

1. The configuration files, their respective parameters and defaults, as well as

the provisioning methods have been simplified but extensively modified
compared to previous releases. SOME OF THESE CHANGES ARE NOT
BACKWARD COMPATIBLE with configuration parameters from previous
software releases.

Before installing the software, it is highly recommended that you first
familiarize yourself with the changes outlined in the

“Administrator‟s Guide for

the Polycom® UC Software

– 3.3.0” and Technical Bulletin 60519 “Simplified

Configuration Improvements in Polycom® UC Software 3.3.0


See Section 0
for details on how to access these documents.

2. VVX 1500 products running release SIP 3.2.2 or later CANNOT BE


3. Upgrading VVX 1500 products to release SIP 3.2.2 or later require a more complex

procedure than is typical. This procedure is documented in technical bulletin


. Please consult this document before starting the upgrade.

4. This release does not include support for the SoundPoint IP 300, 301, 430, 500,

501, 600, 601 and SoundStation IP 4000 products. These products are termed
„Legacy Products‟ and will be supported for critical issue fixes on the SIP 2.1.x
release (IP 300, 500), SIP 3.2.x (IP 430) and SIP 3.1.x release (for the other Legacy
models). Technical Bulletin TB35311 describes how to support these Legacy models
in an environment where SIP 3.2.0 or later is deployed for other phones. This
bulletin may be downloaded from:

. The template 000000000000.cfg file included with this release is set up to

facilitate this type of deployment.

5. SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration:

Release UCS 3.3.1 with BootROM 4.3.0 is recommended for SoundStation IP 7000
integration with Polycom HDX 4000/6000/7000/8000/9000 video systems running
one of the following releases:

HDX, 3.0,,, 3.0.1, 3.0.2