Polycom 1725-31402-001 User Manual
Page 58

Release Notes - UC Software
Page 50
Copyright © 2011 Polycom, Inc.
47476: XML API: When the user is inside an XHTML Form Field the Submit
soft-key does not show up
47768: SoundPoint IP 450: CDP power usage advertisement is low for peak
power conditions.
48175: VVX 1500: Conference not established using EFK feature.
48784: VVX-1500: Soft keys not restored after rejecting a call from within the
„Applications‟ UI context.
48857: VVX 1500: Recording (R) stops or reboots phone in various high load
scenarios such as (a) recording during SRTP conference call, or (b) recording
while browsing the application menu during non-SRTP conference call
48921: VVX 1500 Digit key presses may be missed in certain scenarios
50152: VVX 1500; Corporate Directory: Change non-null sticky primary filter,
search (filtered) bar remains on old data
50192: VVX 1500: Media Statistics menu is not displayed correctly for several
50286: VVX 1500; Corporate Directory: Pressing page down key "#" does not
move entry list after pressing page up key "*" in quick search menu
50531: SoundStation IP 7000: Phone will not startup without network
connection when using the PIC cable
50624: Inbound call is rejected due to timeout but no 603 is ever sent because
TCP stream has already been reset.
51141: Remove the small number on the left side of the scrolling status bar
51449: VVX 1500: Out of Dialog Refer based dialing is failing. SDP on INVITE
from VVX is missing media attributes, generating a 606 response.
51533: Backlight intensity change is not updated appropriately in Overrides
config file.
51605: VVX 1500: Push request will get lost if it follows another push request
51643: SoundStation IP 6000, VVX 1500: Japanese Language is not properly
51753: SoundPoint IP 450. Display text look fuzzy especially when using Asian
51959: Handling of Hold re-Invites is incorrect after one-touch blind transfer to
full park orbit.
51965: HTTP request messages are not directed to proxy
52164: VVX 1500: Hot-dial does not work in headset mode.
52360: 'Auth Password' field' can be viewed in web configuration page.
52365: Phones don't transition very well from LLDP to CDP.