Polycom 1725-31402-001 User Manual
Page 72

Release Notes - UC Software
Page 64
Copyright © 2011 Polycom, Inc.
47951: Transfer should have precedence over pickup of a ringing BLF line
when pressing the linekey during a call transfer
47953: SoundStation IP 6000: Call info display not displayed properly when
volume up/down key press.
47958: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: Unable to add more than one
contact dir when Onyx is configured with no Ethernet cable connected + HDX
47962: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: Incorrect icon displayed when
Redialing POTS call but there is nothing in the buffer to redial. Phone should
not attempt to dial when redial buffer is empty for the call type selected.
48003: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: Phone dials POTS call as video
call when dialing from idle state for a certain configuration.
48011: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: Use of the Idle Browser
interferes with some display elements e.g. Mute Icon, Video/Phone Call Pop-up
when connected to HDX.
48019: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: The pop-up message "Video or
Phone Call?" is overwritten by idle browser
48045: Enhanced BLF: Phone does not hold the 1st call when press Dial soft
key to make the 2nd call to the same called party
48049: BLF: Attendant phone does not display all remote calls on a BLF
monitored line if the Monitored Phone has a call in the „Ringing‟ state.
48061: Enhanced BLF: Attendant phone does not update 1/x widget when BLF
monitored line has 1 or multiple incoming calls being ended
48069: U/I : SCA Barge-In: Extra soft keys are displayed on remote shared
phone while viewing call appearance list by long pressing line key
48071: XML Push API: Key:Handsfree internal URI action is not executed by
phone in a certain scenario.
48115: SoundStation IP 7000/HDX Integration: HDX plays ring sound after
answering POTS call
48131: Call Forwarding Status Not Always Shown if multiple Call Forward
Types are selected.
48149: SDP attribute truncated when first character of the value is a digit
48162: "Boot Server" status field shows incomplete or blank path
if a “/” is
included in the setting.
48174: Failed call may cause subsequent calls to skip URL/Number mode
48179: XML API; Telephony Notifications: Called Party number is shown
overlapped in incoming event notification in case of IP dialed calls between
unregistered phones.
48209: Cannot delete left-most character before character selection timeout