Dial out type, Hot line number, Warm line number – Patton electronic Patton SmartLink M-ATA User Manual
Page 45: Call forward settings, Cfwd all dest, Cfwd busy dest, Dial out type section of phone 1 window, Call forward settings section of phone 1 window, Figure 22
Phone 1
SmartLink M-ATA Getting Started Guide
5 • Telephony
Dial Out Type
Figure 22. Dial Out Type section of Phone 1 window
Dial Out Type
Enable Hot-Line and Warm-Line services. To achieve this, one sequence in the dial plan must start with a
pause, with a 0 delay for a Hot Line, and a non-zero delay for a Warm Line.
Hot Line Number
Input the number for Hot Line function—This number will be called immediately when the telephone goes
Warm Line Number
Input the number for Warm Line function—The warm line function provides a delay period after the tele-
phone goes off-hook for the user to dial a number different than that specified for the warm line. If the delay
period has expired with no number being dialed, the warm line number will be dialed. The delay period is set
under System > Localization.
Call Forward Settings
Figure 23. Call Forward Settings section of Phone 1 window
Cfwd All Dest
Input the destination for all call forwarding.
Cfwd Busy Dest
Input the destination for all busy call forwarding.