Recent calculations, To display recent calculations, Calculator menus – Palm Handhelds m500 User Manual

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Chapter 5

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Recent Calculations

The Recent Calculations command enables you to review the last
series of calculations and is particularly useful for confirming a series
of “chain” calculations.

To display recent calculations:

1. Tap the Menu icon


2. Tap Options, and then tap Recent Calculations.

3. After you finish reviewing the calculations, tap OK.

Calculator menus

Calculator menus are shown here for your reference, and Calculator
features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are described

See “Using menus” in Chapter 1 for information about choosing menu

Recalls the stored value from memory and inserts
it in the current calculation.

Clears any value that is stored in the Calculator

Calculates the square root of a number. Enter the
number, then tap the square root button.