About the database, About the data for the map, Database – Pioneer AVIC-X9115BT User Manual

Page 19: Introduction

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Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser

General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish re-
vised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser
General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to
the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version
number. If the Library as you received it speci-
fies that a certain numbered version of the
GNU Lesser General Public License

“or any

later version

” applies to it, you have the option

of following the terms and conditions either of
that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If
the Library as you received it does not specify
a version number of the GNU Lesser General
Public License, you may choose any version of
the GNU Lesser General Public License ever
published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a
proxy can decide whether future versions of
the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy

’s public statement of accep-

tance of any version is permanent authoriza-
tion for you to choose that version for the

7-Zip Source Notice

The software program used in this product
contains 7-Zip library. 7-Zip contains the soft-
ware granted permission for the usage under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Li-
cense. A copy of appropriate source code is
available at customer necessary expense for
the distribution.
Please contact our Customer Support Center
to obtain a copy. For more information on the
GNU Lesser General Public License, visit the

’s website at

About the database

About the Data for the Map

! Modifications related to roads, streets/high-

ways, terrain, construction and other things
before/during the development period may
not be reflected in this database. Inevitably,
those modifications after that period are
not reflected in this database.

! For more details about the map coverage of

this navigation system, refer to the informa-
tion on our website.

! It is strictly prohibited to reproduce and use

any part or the whole of this map in any
form without permission from the copyright

! If the local traffic regulations or conditions

deviate from this data, follow the local traf-
fic regulations (such as signs, indications,
etc.) and conditions (such as construction,
weather, etc.).

! The traffic regulation data used in the map

database applies only to standard sized
passenger vehicles. Note that regulations
for larger vehicles, motorbikes, and other
non-standard vehicles are not included in
the database.






