Smdr output format (#610), Description, Related features – Polycom TransTalk 9000-Series User Manual
Page 353: Considerations, Valid entries

SMDR Output Format (#610)
SMDR Output Format (#610)
Call Reporting (often referred to as
Station Message Detail Recording or SMDR)
provides detailed tracking of telephone usage in a printed report. This System
Programming procedure allows you to specify whether a maximum of 15 digits or
24 digits is printed for dialed numbers in the Number field on the call report. The
longer field is useful for businesses, such as law offices and hotels, that need to
record many digits for outgoing calls for billing purposes.
Before changing to 24 digits, check the documentation for your call accounting
device to verify that 24 digit output is supported.
Related Features
You can use SMDR Record Type (#608) to specify the type of calls to be
included on call reports.
When you change the output format, the length of the Number field is
adjusted for the next call record that prints. To print a new header, use
SMDR Top of Page (#609).
If you use Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial, you may
want to set SMDR Talk Time (#611) to Active to print on call reports the
time a user spends on an incoming outside call—from the time the user
answers the call to the time the call is disconnected from the system.
This feature requires special hardware and/or software. For more
information, see ‘‘Call Reporting Devices (SMDR)’’ on page 4-9.
If the output format is set to 15 digits and a “?” prints as the last digit of a
dialed number on a call report (indicating that the digits dialed exceed the
15 digits the Number field can hold), you may want to change the output
format to 24 digits.
If the output format is set to 24 digits and SMDR Talk Time (#611) is set to
Active, the combined length of the fields for a call record will be greater
than the 80 characters supported by most printers. If call records wrap
around to the next line, reduce the font size or increase the
characters-per-inch setting for the printer. If necessary, change the output
format back to 15 digits.
Valid Entries
1 = 15 Digits
2 = 24 Digits