Maintenance, Warning safety precautions, Caution – Lincoln Electric EAGLE SVM192-A User Manual
Page 28

EAGLE™ 10,000
Have qualified personnel do the maintenance
work. Turn the engine off before working inside
t h e m a c h i n e . I n s o m e c a s e s , i t m a y b e
necessary to remove safety guards to perform
required maintenance. Remove guards only
when necessary and replace them when the
m a i n t e n a n c e
r e q u i r i n g
t h e i r
r e m o v a l
i s
complete. Always use the greatest care when
working near moving parts.
Do not put your hands near the engine cooling
blower fan. If a problem cannot be corrected by
following the instructions, take the machine to
the nearest Lincoln Field Service Shop.
• Do not touch electrically live parts
o r e l e c t r o d e w i t h s k i n o r w e t
• Insulate yourself from work and
• Always wear dry insulating gloves.
• Use in open, well ventilated areas
or vent exhaust outside.
MOVING PARTS can injure.
• Do not operate with doors open or
guards off.
• Stop engine before servicing.
• Keep away from moving parts.
S e e a d d i t i o n a l w a r n i n g i n f o r m a t i o n
throughout this operator’s manual and
the Engine manual as well.
Read the
Safety Precautions in the front of this man-
ual and the engine instruction manual before working
on this machine.
Keep all equipment safety guards, covers, and devices
in position and in good repair. Keep hands, hair, cloth-
ing, and tools away from gears, fans, and all other
moving parts when starting, operating, or repairing the
Routine Maintenance
At the end of each day’s use, refill the fuel tank to
minimize moisture condensation in the tank.
Running out of fuel tends to draw dirt into the fuel
system. Also, check the crankcase oil level and
add oil if indicated.
Make certain that the oil filler cap is securely tight-
ened after checking or adding oil. If the cap is not
tight, oil consumption can increase significantly
which may be evidenced by white smoke coming
from the exhaust.
• OIL - Maintenance schedule for changing the oil and
oil filter after break-in :
The above schedule is for normal operating conditions.
More frequent oil changes are required with dusty, high
temperature and other severe operating conditions.
Refer to the maintenance section of the Engine
Owner's Manual for more information.
NOTE: Engine life will be reduced if the oil and oil
ter are not changed according to the manufac-
turer’s recommendation.
Drain the oil while the engine is warm to assure rapid
and complete draining.
• Remove the oil filler cap and dipstick. Remove the
yellow cap from the oil drain valve and attach the flex-
ible drain tube supplied with the machine. Push in
and twist the drain valve counterclockwise. Pull the
valve out and drain the oil into a suitable container.
• Close the drain valve by pushing in and twisting
clockwise. Replace the yellow cap.
• Refill to the upper limit mark on the dipstick with the
recommended oil. Tighten the oil filler cap securely.
Without oil filter replacement:
• 1.7qt. (1.6 liter)-Kohler
With oil filter replacement:
• 2.0qt. (1.9 liter)-Kohler
CH20S or CH23S
100 Hrs.
Oil Filter
200 Hrs.