KTI Networks KS-2601 User Manual
Page 27

f. TRAP Community string with “trapcommunity” sub-command.
g. TRAP IP Address with “tapip” sub-command.
h. Test TRAP Operation with “txtrp” sub-command
For example, “set snmp name ABC location AAA-1F contact Jack” command
will set these SNMP information to switch.
set sta command
This command is used to configure spanning tree protocol of the switch.
Its syntax is . . .
>set sta
[Command List]
?.............. Help commands
help........... Help commands
enable......... Enable Spanning Tree function
disable........ Disable Spanning Tree function
bridge......... Set Spanning Tree bridge configuration
port........... Set Spanning Tree port configuration
a. set sta ? and set sta help commands will show the sub-command list
b. set sta enable and set sta disable commands will enable/disable
spanning tree function of the switch.
c. set sta bridge command is used to configure for the switch.
Its syntax is . . .
>set sta bridge
[Argument List]
priority....... Set bridge priority.
hello.......... Set bridge hello time
age............ Set bridge maximum age
delay.......... Set bridge forward delay time
priority (0~65535) : Bridge priority is for selecting the root device, root
port, and designated port. The device with the highest priority (lowest
value) becomes the STA root device. If all devices have the same
priority, the device with the lowest MAC address will then become the
root device.
hello (0~65535) : the period to send the spanning tree maintenance
packet if the switch is the root of the spanning tree. Default is 2 seconds.
age (6~40) : the spanning tree aging time if no spanning tree
maintenance packet is received. It will cause the spanning tree to re-
create. Default is 20 seconds.
delay (4~30): the maximum waiting time before changing states (i.e.,
listening to learning to forwarding). This delay is required because every
device must receive information about topology changes before it starts
to forward frames. In addition, each port needs time to listen for
conflicting information that would make it return to a blocking state;
otherwise, temporary data loops might result.
d. set sta port command is used to configure for ports of the switch.
Its syntax is . . .