KTI Networks KS-2601 User Manual
Page 15

With help command, you can find the command list as follow.
[Command List]
?.............. Help commands
help........... Help commands
set............ Set commands
show........... Show commands
default........ Restore to factory default setting
del............ Del commands
find........... Find commands
whoami......... Display current login user name
reset.......... Reset system
ping........... Ping a specified host with IP address
backup......... backup run-time firmware or configuration file
upgrade........ Upgrade run-time firmware or configuration file
exit........... Logout
logout......... Logout
Here is the detail about these commands.
1. ? and help command
This is help command and the switch will prompt command list for this
2. set command
This command can be used to configure most functions of the switch. Lots of
sub-commands are for this command.
Enter “set” at the prompt, the sub-command list will be shown.
[Command List]
?.............. Help commands
help........... Help commands
1qvlan......... Set 802.1q VLAN Configuration
admin.......... Set administrator name and password
age............ Set aging time of switch
arl............ Add a static MAC address in ARL table
automode....... Set Auto Negotiation or Auto Detect mode of port
dot1x.......... Set 802.1x configuration
guest.......... Set name and password for Guest
gvrp........... Set GVRP Protocol enable or disable
http........... Set HTTP Protocol enable or disable
idle........... Set idle time for Console.
igmp........... Set IGMP configuration
loopback....... Set Loopback Detection of port
mirror......... Set mirror configuration
net............ Set network IP configuration
port........... Set switch port configuration
protect........ Set protected port setting
pvlan.......... Set members of Port-based VLAN groups