2 front panel – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 8

• You have a complex or well-established FireWire
configuration on your computer and don’t want to
interfere with it.
• You are using an analog console and mix “outside of the box.”
CCaalliibbrraattee bbuuttttoonn
You need to press this button to proceed with the Calibration
SSppeeaakkeerr AA aanndd BB//SSuubb O
These balanced/unbalanced outputs are connected to your
powered speakers, or to an amplifier and speaker combination.
These are line level outputs. It is recommended that balanced
cables and connections be used to ensure the best audio
HHeeaaddpphhoonnee O
Connect your 1/4 inch headphone here.
FFrroonntt PPaanneell
In the Front Panel (Figure 2.1), ERGO features:
• 3 Status LEDs (Clip, IO/FireWire and Calibrate)
• 3 Buttons (A, B/Sub and Focus/Global)
• 1 Volume knob
So lets read their description;
SSttaattuuss LLEEDDss
This LED illuminates when the incoming audio signal is 3dB from
full-scale input, indicating a likely clip condition. This is used
during the calibration process and when the incoming main
output signal is inserted into the Input (Line In) jacks on the back
of ERGO. This is also used when using ERGO as a FireWire
recording interface to indicate excessive signal coming in from
the line-level device (mixer, keyboard, etc).
O // FFiirreeW
This bi-color LED illuminates red when power is applied, and
green when a valid FireWire connection is detected.
The Calibrate LED illuminates when the Calibrate button is
pressed on the back of the ERGO unit. While in Calibrate mode,
the Line In signals are no longer active and the MIC input is
When applying one input, use the A input and press the button
to enable. When the button is unlit, there is no audio passing
When connecting a second input, and you want to hear both A
and B speakers, press B/Sub to enable this function.
Noottee The software control panel selects the speaker mode. In default
(non-Subwoofer) mode, only the A or B speaker can be selected. ERGO
is smart enough to make the A/B buttons mutually exclusive. Using
ERGO, it is possible to set ERGO up in Subwoofer mode. In
Subwoofer mode, ERGO makes the A/B buttons independent, so that
you can mute or enable the sub in
conjunction with the A speakers.
22.. EERRG
O PPaanneellss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
Figure 2.1