4 room position measurements – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 22

If the Focus measurement was Ok, ERGO will instruct you to
place your measurement mic in Room Position 1, then click EEnntteerr.
(Figure 5.18)
If there was a problem with the measurement, ERGO will dis-
play the information and instructions for the next step.
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The number of room positions needed depends on the value of
Room Knowledge. If it is below 90% after the third measurement,
ERGO Cal automatically includes extra room measurements until
a Room Knowledge of 90% or better has been achieved.
The remaining measurements should be taken from random
positions in the room with random orientations of the
microphone. Choosing these positions and orientations is a
breeze. All you have to do is place the microphone at different
positions in the room and in different orientations. It is important
to perform well-spaced measurements to get a covering image
of the acoustical properties in the room that is varying positions,
heights, and orientations of the microphone.
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O CCaall))
For optimal room correction, make sure that the measurements
1. Performed more than 1 m (3 ft) away from the loudspeakers
2. Not performed behind the loudspeaker
3. Taken at a minimum of 50 cm (1.5 ft) between each
The following illustration shows the steps listed above. (Figure
Once you’ve placed your mic in an acceptable location, you
may begin.
This process is repeated at least three times and until the Room
Knowledge reaches 90%.
Figure 5.18
Figure 5.19