3 focus position measurement – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 20

In the second adjustment, the volume is system dependent.
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The following window prepares you to take your Focus Position
Measurement. Before to click Enter, read the instructions below;
• Make sure that the height and orientation of the microphone
correspond to your typical listening height and direction as
illustrated below. Do not block the line of sight between the
microphone and the loudspeakers. Each measurement is
comprised of a low and a high frequency measuring
signal first in the left and then in the right channel.
(Figure 5.12)
55.. EERRG
O CCaalliibbrraattiioonn SSooffttwwaarree ((EERRG
O CCaall))
• The length of each measurement depends on a combination
of the measurement volume, and the background noise in
your local environment. Typical measuring times for the
low and high frequency measuring signals are 25 and 5
seconds, respectively.
• If ERGO is unhappy with the measurement, an error
message is displayed. Make any required corrections to your
set up and follow the prompt to retry the measurement.
• Focus Position Measurements must be performed more than
1 m (3 ft) away from the loudspeakers, in a X/Y orientation,
and must not performed behind the loudspeaker. Also, do
not sit in the listening position while Focus measurements
are being taken.
Now, that you’ve read and memorized the information above,
click EEnntteerr and follow the prompts to calibrate the volume level
at your focus position. (Figure 5.13)
Figure 5.11
Figure 5.12
Figure 5.13