KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 32

TThhee CCaalliibbrraattiioonn M
Miicc lleevveell iiss nnoott lloouudd eennoouugghh..
• Turn up the volume on your speakers. The speakers need to
excite your room in order for ERGO to measure it accurately.
• Turn up the volume on ERGO. The volume control should
point to the word “Volume.” This is the 0 dB point for the
volume control.
II iinnssttaalllleedd EERRG
O aass aa FFiirreeW
Wiirree ddeevviiccee,, aanndd nnooww m
myy ootthheerr XXYYZZ
Wiirree iinntteerrffaaccee iiss ggoonnee..
This should not happen on Macs, since the Mac OS can
aggregate, or combine, multiple devices into a single interface.
Windows users have a couple of options:
• Windows systems can only have a single ASIO device.
Use your main ASIO device when tracking, and switch
to ERGO ASIO when mixing down.
• Take a SPDIF or analog out from your existing FireWire
interface and plug it into ERGO. In this mode, you can
unplug ERGO from its FireWire port and power up using the
external power adapter. ERGO's SPDIF Inputs and converters
are of the highest quality, so there will be no
degradation when using this approach. In fact, if your DAW
is “dialed in”, we suggest that you use this approach.
Also, this is the only approach to use for Pro Tools rigs.
• Use the WDM drivers. Windows can aggregate WDM
devices. Latency may increase when using WDM instead
of ASIO jacks (oops).
UUssiinngg aa M
Maacc,, II ccaannnnoott sseeee EERRG
O aass aa FFiirreeW
Wiirree ddeevviiccee..
• ERGO needs Leopard (10.5.x) or later.
Check for detailed instructions on how
to enable workarounds for other OS versions.
O RRoocckkss!! BBuutt,, II wwaanntt ttoo m
miixx iinn ssuurrrroouunndd.. CCaann II uussee 22 oorr m
Oss ffoorr tthhiiss??
• No. Surround has other issues. Keep checking for exciting ERGO developments.
II kknnooww II’’m
m oonnllyy ssuuppppoosseedd ttoo hheeaarr oouutt ooff m
myy rriigghhtt ssppeeaakkeerr,, bbuutt
tthhaatt’’ss nnoott hhaappppeenniinngg..
If you’re getting no sound:
• Make sure that your speakers are plugged into the
speaker jacks (oops).
If you’re getting sound out of your left speaker:
• Check to see that your connectors aren’t crossed and
plugged in the wrong jacks.
Whhiillee lliisstteenniinngg m
myy m
miixx iinn G
Glloobbaall M
Mooddee,, II ddoo nnoott ppeerrcceeiivvee iitt iinn
tthhee ssaam
mee wwaayy tthhaann wwhheenn II m
moonniittoorriinngg iitt iinn FFooccuuss M
Mooddee.. IIss tthheerree
aannyy tteecchhnniiccaall rreeaassoonn??
• In Focus mode, ERGO is correcting for time and frequency
domain problems. However, in Global mode, ERGO is
only fixing frequency domain problems. This makes sense,
considering that in Global mode ERGO’s processing
power is correcting a much larger area so is almost
impossible to correct both time and frequency issues in
this scenario.
99.. TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg