2 calibration – KRK ERGO User Manual
Page 18

SSppeeaakkeerr M
This window will inform you of which, if any, buttons are selected
on ERGO—A, B/Sub, both, or neither and will instruct you to
select the appropriate button. Click EEnntteerr to proceed. (Figure 5.4)
SSuubbwwooooffeerr M
If you chose to use ERGO in Subwoofer mode, the next window
gives you a thumbs up to proceed, or tells you to press any
required buttons. When given the prompt, click EEnntteerr. (Figure
TTiipp To enable the Subwoofer mode, remember to open the
ERGO Control Panel and click A + SUB from the Speaker
Mode area.
Don’t be scared. Overwriting measurements helps ERGO clear
its thoughts and prepares it to take new measurements.
Selecting CANCEL sends you to the initial window. If there is
something you want to reconfigure at this point, then select
CANCEL. If not, click EEnntteerr to continue. (Figure 5.6)
This pretty much speaks for itself. (Figure 5.7)
55.. EERRG
O CCaalliibbrraattiioonn SSooffttwwaarree ((EERRG
O CCaall))
Figure 5.4
Figure 5.5
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.7