KRK ERGO User Manual

Page 21

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One Mississippi, two Mississippi... (Figure 5.14)

Well, how did things go? If the level did not fall within an

acceptable parameter, ERGO will notify you. This doesn’t

necessarily mean that something is wrong. A possibility is that

your speakers do not produce a high enough SPL to register, but

the calibration can still be performed. (Figure 5.15)

In this instance, select NO at the ERGO Cal screen to accept the

level that was originally measured and then click EEnntteerr.

TTiipp If you see the Clip LED light up during this step, your

volume level is probably just fine, and you should use this

volume level regardless of what ERGO displays

(Figure 5.16). Press EEnntteerr to continue.

Tick tock, tick tock... (Figure 5.17)

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Figure 5.14

Figure 5.15

Figure 5.16

Figure 5.17