4 test signal and measuring techniques, 5 ergo with roomperfect is the solution, 5 ergo with roomperfect™ is the solution – KRK ERGO User Manual

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UUssiinngg AAnnaalloogg ((LL && RR)) aanndd DDiiggiittaall ((SSPPDDIIFF)) IInnppuuttss

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when dealing with Analog

and Digital Inputs with ERGO. When using ERGO as a

soundcard connected via FireWire to your computer, the

FireWire audio stream is automatically selected as the input


If you are in Standalone mode (no FireWire connected) and

using either the SPDIF Input or the Analog Inputs, ERGO selects

the audio source as follows:

1. If ERGO detects a SPDIF clock, it automatically selects

the SPDIF Input as its source.

• If ERGO has detected a SPDIF clock, but you want to use the

Analog Inputs, then you must use ERGO’s control panel to

select the Analog Inputs.

• If ERGO has detected a SPDIF clock, but the SPDIF Input

is not working, then ERGO was started in Analog mode.

Use the ERGO Control Panel to select the SPDIF Input.

• If the SPDIF Input is not working, ERGO is probably not

locking its clock to a SPDIF clock. Check your cables and the

audio output selection in your DAW application.

2. If ERGO does not detect a SPDIF clock, it automatically selects

the Analog Inputs as its source.


TTeesstt SSiiggnnaall aanndd M

Meeaassuurriinngg TTeecchhnniiqquueess

To get the necessary Room Knowledge, ERGO relies on a new

way of measuring the room. Using traditional test signals such

as pink noise, normally means a trade-off between signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR) and frequency resolution. Long analysis

windows lead to high frequency resolution but poor SNR due to

the low number of averages. But using multiple pure tones

means long analysis windows (5.5 seconds for low frequency

test signal) leading to both high frequency resolution (0.2 Hz)

AND an excellent SNR due to very narrow analysis bandwidth

in the frequency domain, something which is almost insensitive

to normal broadband background noise.

ERGO generates energy at the very same frequencies where the

analysis takes place, that is energy and processing is not wasted

by measuring the spaces in between the analysis frequencies.

Why go to all of this trouble? Because traditional 1/3 octave

measurement and correction (three frequencies for each

doubling of frequency) is not sufficient for room correction. Room

correction needs great analysis and powerful processing, both of

which ERGO delivers.




O wwiitthh RRoooom


™ iiss tthhee SSoolluuttiioonn

In our quest for the best possible components to power ERGO’s

Room Correction technology, KRK licensed RoomPerfect™ from

Lyngdorf Audio. Why Lyngdorf? Because they are the best, and

they solved the problem with getting 3 dimensional Room

Knowledge in a very unique way. By combining global

measurements (room positions) with measurements at the

listening position, up to 8 corrected listening positions can be


The RoomPerfect™ system combines information about the

listening position with information about the energy transport

into the sound-field in a completely new and innovative way. The

measurement at the listening position holds information about

the listener’s access to the sound-field while the room positions

hold information about the 3 dimensional sound-field in the

entire listening room. And so, perfect sound is rendered,

regardless of your listening room, speaker position and listening

position. In fact, the vast amount of information gathered about

the sound-field allows you to enjoy the benefits of room

correction in any spot in the room.

You will see, and hear, a system with all required knowledge

and operation already embedded in it, a “smart” system.

33.. SSeettttiinngg uupp EERRG


O aanndd yyoouurr M

Miixxiinngg EEnnvviirroonnm
